PEA was a reflection of SC value based on years of work by the SCJV. We went from a value of $63 million after tax to $800 million.
There will be additional studies. If you look at Teck's presentation, they will follow the same path as QB2, they will go for a PFS then to FS before thinking of putting it into production. CUU decision to when to sell SC share is when they feel like they've squeeze the maximum value out of the JV and that anymore waiting isn't worth it. I think MoneyK showed examples before of what's worth waiting for. In the eyes of Elmer for example, an increase of $60 million based on 25% ($240 million overall) is a 10 cent bump and to him is $600,000.
I do feel insiders being in their older age will want to get this done sooner like we do but certain things take time. If Teck continues to print money like this, they can easily put SC into production wihtout any partners.