Hi everyone,
Forgot to mention another couple of things which could point to a deal shortly.
1. Jason Sheppard. I rang him up the other day. He's all about VD and has been brought in to connect investors to CUU because of VD....not SC. Hmmmmm.
2. Fort Hills deal. I believe it closes in February, so Teck will be flush with cash then.
3. Federal governments. In the Fall economic update Ottawa lists new incentives to support the green economy, including mineral development, which align with the US govt (military) also supporting N. America projects. Ottawa just invested directly into E3 Lithium this week (https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2022/11/government-of-canada-invests-in-e3-lithium-to-advance-canadas-ev-battery-production.html), as an example. One wonders if the unprecendented Can/US incentives would support a smelter for the golden triangle so we cut out China even further.
I've certainly gotten my hopes up, like most here, several times over the past 10+ years I've been a shareholder. And I've been wrong each time. I thought a deal on SC was imminent with the infamous BFS, the 2021 PEA....etc. These 3 things I've listed above on their own are not the strongest indicators of a deal with Teck for SC happening over the winter.....but if you combine them with the idea of getting CUU out of the way before next field season, Golf's rationale on copper outlook + macro economic up-cycle outlook then maybe just maybe....