Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: end of day L2

The key is, there were many other holes drilled, and we haven't got them yet.

The question still remains in my head, why did GNH release this when it did? Couldn't they have waited til after the major release? Then, this little shot in Beland could have been interpreted quite differently, as the first stuttering steps in a new target zone. People would have wet their pants buying, instead of wetting their pants selling thinking this was all there was.

If the Venture Exchange's rules say GNH wasn't allowed to hold back this assay, and if their major release is being held up by the regulators, maybe because of the use of unconventional interpretations to get around the nugget effect, that's the only explanation I can accept that doesn't involve either purposeful share price sabotage or klutziness.

If the major writeup is being held up, then I can see a poisoning of the well happening until it's finally approved. GNH will have to release all the little unimpressive assays, piecemeal, while the big knockout punch is held in limbo.

See? Bad things happen on every stock, and that's why you take profits instead of averaging up.

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