Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Here is the exact statement that is causing the assay timing expectations...

I've been hearing comments expressing that management "said" or "promised" assay results (via NR) this coming week.

I believe this thinking stems from the interview that Frank Candido (our CEO, for you newbies) did with Jay Taylor on September 14th of this year.

Here is exactly what he said:

"... and we can expect assay results... um... any day now. And those assay results will come in at a... you know, sort of... ah, I believe in a, you know, significant results every few weeks thereafter. Because, you know, we started drilling on April 13th of 2010, of this year. And we've increased that program every other month and now assays are all starting to flow in. So, we're gonna be able to draw the picture in terms of the immediate area for structure and those results are going to start flowing in, as I said, any day here and we have a lot of news to report to the markets." (24:40 - 25:22)

Now, to me this indicates that there will indeed be a steady flow of news. But it does not indicate to me an exact time interval to expect between these releases. He did not say "I guarantee that new assay results will be reported every 2 weeks. Or every 3 weeks." He did not say "I promise". He said "I believe" and "every few weeks". Lots of room there. And I do not need to remind everyone that these comments were made during an interview. This was not an official NR.

So, we had assay results reported on Wednesday, Sept 22, then a week later we had an "Exploration Update" on Tuesday, Sept 28. This coming Wednesday will be 3 weeks since the last assays were reported. So, I think it would be reasonable to think to ones self that news may be coming this week. But it would also be reasonable to think that news may be a couple more weeks in coming yet. What is NOT reasonable is to make comments like "Management said new is coming at a specific time.... blah blah". That is patently false.

This company is in a place right now where they are trying to figure out how best to market themselves to the world. We need to have some patience, as investors, to let them all get on the same page, as it were, so that they can move forward in the strongest manner possible. The following few months will determine what our share price will be for the next pp (which I believe will not happen until 2011 sometime). I trust our geologist, who is continuing to prove up a world-class gold deposit. And I trust our management team, who wants to convince the markets of this and increase the value of our investment.

Finding the balance between being overly conservative and being overly aggressive in marketing is where this company is at right now, I believe. This is an important time. Let's let them do their thing.

If you do not have the patience required.... now may be the time to take a hike. And after that come back here and decide what you're going to do with your investment. :-)


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