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Message: Re: big potential and people selling
Apr 13, 2008 07:12AM

Skys -

Actually Bob M. said this - "Like many of our readers who listened to me, I made a giant mistake. These guys have no regard for shareholders and the kindest thing I can say about them is that as a group, they are both clueless and hopeless.

I will never put another cent into either one of them for any reason and you shouldn't either. They have done nothing but destroy shareholder value and can't be bothered to be honest enough to even admit it."

Now he didn't directly say to sell but he did unleash a lot of invective towards the MEO management (esp, Bill Cawker) and he also stated that no one should invest any more money with MEO. So he really did everything short of calling for a liquidation of all positions.

On another point, let me tell you a true story. I once owned some shares in a mining explorer. In reading their NR's I noticed that they had disposed of some properties that I liked and had turned their focus in a direction that I didn't agree with. So what did I do?

Well, I didn't go on their BB and speak about how wrong the management was and how I knew better how to run the business. After all, I'm not paid to run the company. I don't have access to all of the information that the managment team has.

But I did have my money in the company and I no longer had faith in the management. So I sold my shares. I suggest that once someone loses faith in an investment that they sell it. Take your loss (or gain) and move on to another investment that you have faith in.

I can't understand the current rash of people on this forum who sem to have lost faith in the management of MEO and feel a need to share it with everyone else. Why don't they just sell and move on?

Some others have speculated that they really want to talk other people out of their shares so that they can get them on the cheap. If that is the case. too bad, wrong BB - try SH.

We are not blind to the "faults" of MEO management but we also have faith that management knows things that we don't and that they (esp, Bill Cawker) are going to come through for us and for themselves (they own a lot of shares).

This is just my opinion. Thanks for giving me a forum to state it.

- Panamax

Apr 13, 2008 12:50PM
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