Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: this what you are looking for?

Feb 26, 2007 06:56AM

Fujitsu 3/1/2006<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



The parties, through their respective undersigned counsel, and in accordance with and subject

to the terms of the Settlement Agreement dated February 24, 2006, hereby stipulate pursuant to Fed.

R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1) that all claims presently pending against Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu General America,

Inc., Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc., Fujitsu Computer Systems Corp., Fujitsu

Microelectronics America, Inc., and Fujitsu Ten Corporation of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America (together, “Fujitsu Entities”)

shall be dismissed with prejudice.  The parties further stipulate that all counterclaims brought by the

Fujitsu Entities shall be dismissed without prejudice.  Each party is to bear its own costs and fees

incurred in connection with this matter.


ORDER  UPON STIPULATION of the parties, and good cause appearing therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that all claims pending in this action against Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu General America, Inc., Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc., Fujitsu Computer Systems Corp., Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc., and Fujitsu Ten Corporation of America be dismissed with prejudice, and further that all counterclaims brought on behalf of such entities shall be dismissed without prejudice.  Each party shall bear it own fees and costs associated with said action.


Feb 26, 2007 11:27AM

Feb 26, 2007 12:58PM
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