"What is TPL's strong answer? Please"
Before I try to answer, let me tell you, where I'm coming from with my thoughts:
The MMP was considered to be worth about $ 1-2 billion, in the last 30 months more than $ 200million in license fees were collected, companies like Nokia and Philips et al. paid around $20mio - but suddenly it seems, the MMP has lost his power.
Because I do not believe this, there could be (IMO "are") two different ways of communications:
One public via the filings and prs from PTSC, which seem to show a weakened position of the MMP (in terms of financial value) - for what reason is speculation...
And an other (different) communication, non-public, between TPL and the lawyers of the potential licensees, which shows the real strength of the MMP and where documents and facts (NO financial details of other settlements!) are presented to these companies.
If this assumption (TPL still sitting in a strong position) is not correct , then it means, the MMP would have lost his worth in a tremendous way because of the settlement with the J3s. Something I still refuse to believe.
Thus my guess is, IF the licensee's lawyers point to the PTSC financials, TPL must have something in their pockets to convince them - how could they otherwise negotiate with potential infringers?
I hope, I could make my point a little clearer - maybe I'm fresher tomorrow - good night from Germany!