Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: SGE1 / Re: SGE1 - WOW! More Homework by you is clearly required

One last comment I'll make. Had anyone from "my side of the BOD paradigm" (whatever that is - lol) argued your views about the audit committee chair being other than an independent director with financial expert status, good ol' milestone would have appeared out of the great puff of smoke and been all over them. So with respect to posts on this board and others about agendas and arguments of one-sided perspectives, and who presents even points of view etc. that often dominate this venue, I suggest you reveiw his posting history and further understand that what you don't see posted on this board, is often more revealing than what you do see.

Unless you're posts were deliberately so, (which based on what you've written, they're obviously were not) don't take my posts as personal attacks, as I'm just trying to clarify information that I see as inaccurate or misleading, nothing more.

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