Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Why Infringers not settleing?....Ronran

Dear Colloidal,

I'm one of those long-term investors you refer to. I've been in an out of PTSC twice, currently in, since about 2006, I forget now, at a big, big loss. If I had to do it over, I'd never touch it, as I don't have spare money to play with, and this loss has prevented chasing other opportunities that my "sharp mind' identified but for which I had no cash.

Based on its computer science expertise, my "sharp mind" understood the value of PTSC from when I first encountered it in 1999. Based on knowledge of stock, legal and corporate manipulations, and on utter lack of morals, it was proved utterly dull, and was bested and vanquished by the sharp minds of the major culprits long and justly pilloried here: BoD, Leckrone, Flower, whatever the hell their damn names are. They are filthy people, and this entire, base saga is generated from their filth.

The defendants also played the game as they could afford: When Microsoft, Apple and other big names bought a license, they could do the right thing, by technology they knew they had nothing to do with inventing and with what was not even pocket change for them. When lesser companies purchased, it was at a cheap price, and less expensive for them than joining others in defence. The holdouts have had the money and moxie to try to keep the legal thing going until the patents expire.

Technologically, PTSC was beyond promising. Business- and market-wise, PTSC is cursed. That the Markman ruling is taking so long, I take as a bad sign. While I pay attention to events I hold no hope for any outcome favorable to investors. If I get my orginal money back, I'll be content. If it soars beyond that, and I miss out, I won't glance back for a second. And though it would negatively effect my shares, I'd tell anyone with play money to look elsewhere. Stay away from this bloodsucker.

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