Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: D & O... Talking about beating a dead horse....
Nov 30, 2010 02:15PM

Business no matter how small or how large does not like uncertainty. Americans, that vast unwashed middle class of Americans do not like uncertainty and hate politicians who lie so poorly.

With our liberal govt. trying to dictate and regulate just about everything from what we eat to no drilling for oil off our coast (while our President guarantee's drilling loans to Brazil and our Sec of State giving $250 million to Hamas a State Dept. declared terrorist organization). There is of course going to be uncertainty.

The vast unwashed are losing jobs left and right and yet liberals in Washington do not care. They want to pass the Dream Act which will not only make 2.5 million "children" (up to the age of 30) legal residents but also allow them to bring in relatives and have more voters beholden to them. With so many Americans unemployed or underemployed who can blame Americans for paying down debt and raising their savings rate from 3% two years ago to 6% today? Nobody knows when and what the next shoe is going to be when it drops.

Supply side economics does not work in a Marxist environment. However business has no reason to expand output when new govt regulations on an almost daily basis is costing them more and more to stay in business and keep people employed in the USA. As I pointed out a short while ago SEIU is now not insuring children of their own members in NY as they cannot afford it due to ObamaCare.

So please Mr. Sedley do not blame Conservatives for what is without question a socialist failure. If we are looking more and more like a managed society that is not what Ronald Reagan gave us it is looking more like what Marx and Mao gave to the Russians and Chinese.

We all know how that worked out don't we......


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