NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Is anybody elses TD down right now? TY in advance Junior - Junior cannon
Mar 04, 2008 08:40AM

Mar 04, 2008 08:53AM
Mar 04, 2008 07:44PM

Cannonballs - I hardly know where to begin to respond to your last few posts.

Lets start with Mr. Dion: I have heard in the media before that he has had a positive influence on the matter of the separatists, but I do not trust the media any more than I trust liberals. The fact is, it has been going on too long that the Quebec tail has been waging the Canadian dog. The biggest mistake made in the history of our country was the fact that we did not assimilate the residents of Quebec after Wolfe defeated Montcalm. The last thing we need is yet another PM from Quebec, and an intelectual at that - oh, by the way, Trudeau was also an intelectual.

Mr. Harper may have missunderstood what a huge problem the income trust issue was before he was elected, but once it became clear how bad it was, he took the appropriate action. Again, I think he could have handled it better, but that's the way it is. If his Halloween surprise was so terrible, why did the opposition parties not use this opportunity to defeat his government? I really doubt that the election that gave Mr. Harper a minority government was decided to any degree on this issue - in spite of your comments, I would be really surprised if you even voted for him yourself.

Now if you want to talk about lies used to get elected, let's talk about "da boss". He won his first majority government primarily on his absolute promise to scrap the GST and renegotiate or withdraw from the free trade agreement. I personally think that doing either would have been economic suicde, but the point is thqt there is absolutely no doubt that Cretien won that election on the strength of the lies  - and it is clear that lies upset you. And then, the Canadian voters, in their infinite wisdom, gave him a couple more majority wins - go figure.

Now lets go into another great liar, PET. When Trudeau defeated the short lived Joe Clark government, it was because Mr. Clark had proposed a 15 cents per GALLON price increase in gasoline. So as soon as he was in power, what did Trudeau do? Why he switched us to the metric system, implemented the disasterous national energy program, and then raised gas prices 10 cents...PER LITRE. That is about 3 times the increase proposed by Mr. Clark, but once again the wise Canadian voters missed the action and continued to keep him in office long after his "best before"date.

So I guess this means you hate liars, unless of course they are Liberal liars - then it's OK.

Sorry if anyone feels offended, but these are my opinions.



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