NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: My ramblings about .....lots
Feb 20, 2009 02:46PM
Feb 20, 2009 06:22PM
Feb 21, 2009 12:42PM


Noront management won't use words such as dud to describe Windfall. Words are chosen to have minimal impact on investors when it comes to bad news. When the stock price is once again flying high because of the ROF the new board will use the opportunity to get Windfall off the books. To come out and state that Windfall is a dud would be like pulling your pants down in public. Keeping under the radar is the smart thing to do. Lets hope things turn out for the best in the ROF.


My summary of some recent posts discussing Windfall:

  • There was nothing there. (Joe Hamilton)
  • It was a pump. (Don)
  • Don't concern yourself with Windfall because the ROF is the real deal. (D12)
  • I smell a coverup. (MISFIT)


"During a conversation I had with Joe Hamilton at the vancouver show, I directly asked him about Windfall. He stated that there just was nothing there. He seemed to be answering quite honestly and I accepted at the time that he was being very forthright. The one thing that began to bother me was, and as has been stated here, if I was seeking to intercept this orebody, I would tunnel under it with the intention of working up into the gold. Yet Joe stated absolutely that "there was nothing there.They tunnelled right through it. You could see the hole coming in one side and going out the other". I also have been wondering if he has taken the time to even go look at what is there, or is he part of the greater plan???"


"I was told by a Geo who has worked up there that they, many who have worked up there in the past did not think it was all it was touted to be. I hate to make this last statement because I bought in for Windfall."


"With cash so hard to come by I totally agree with the decision for the time being. Folks, there is no comparison between windfall and the ROF, Dick would tell you this himself. I'm not taking anything away from Windfall, but there truly is no comparison. Has anyone seen our claims at Windfall???? I have, they are not a millionth as impressive as the ROF. Sorry, but sometimes we can't have it all. Windfall is a good project, the ring of fire is a once in a lifetime project.

Personally, I believe Nemis himself probably would have slowed or halted work at windfall after the ramp didn't produce the results he wanted. It just isn't worth spending the cash right now when we have a much safer bet in james bay. We shouldn't be so upset about windfall, these are the breaks of the stock market. On top of that, windfall isn't dead, it's just on hold. We can't blame the new BOD for past decisions. How on earth is it their fault that the ramp didn't hit the best section???? And now we blame them for halting work at WF when a $10 million ramp didn't find anything of significance?????? WOW, we are not thinking straight.

Are we really saying we would like to spend another $10 Million trying to find it, even though it was quite clearly more elusive then we all originally thought? Please keep in mind that I do believe there is economical gold at WF, I am not doubting that. I just don't think the risk/reward is worth it considering we have what I believe is as close to a sure bet as one can get with the ROF."


"1) The lack of information surrounding Windfall and what I believe to be a coverup. Gold is at $960 bucks an ounce so you can't tell me that even crappy grades already dug out of the ramp are not worth processing. There had to have been some hits somewhere along the quartz lines. Something really smells here."

Feb 22, 2009 01:53PM
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