Thanks Banana boy for sharing the info from the Cambridge function.
On the FWR site bananaboy wrote:
"They are about to start drilling on the Bullseye anomaly (JV with NOT), which may be a deposit below 100 metres, as it does not show up magnetically." (not always a bad thing)
This statement struck a chord with me. I looked at my copy of The Big Score.
On page 112 it was written: "As Chris Verbiski listened to Sparks describe the core, something kept nagging him. Drill no.7 Grid line No.14. Then he remembered. It was the same grid line that had puzzled him and Chislett back in October. Her now realized there had been nothing wrong with the VLF machine that day. The conductive ore beneath their feet had been so rich that it sucked all the energy out of the electomagnetic signal. The reciever had been trying to tell Verbiski that he and his partner were standing over a multibillion-dollar nickel deposit."