You could be quite right in that theory, and of course nobody can more than make educated guesses at this point. It seems very out of character for an outfit the size of CLF to throw several millions of dollars at something, get quite involved, have a significant position, then just walk away. It is definitely a possibility, however. Maybe the only puzzle will be why they got involved in the first place. Was it only to Mac a favor ? Who knows. My view is based on what I see in probability, and others may well feel that in all probability CLF will just walk away. I am invested in all three currently on the view that CLF does not want to walk away, does not need to, and therefore won't. Also, we may never know, because it is possible the bid fails, and there is no counter from anyone. Also, there are a lot bigger players than CLF. My wishful thinking side says "I hope someone , anyone, counters" because it would be the best possible sign that the RoF is about to attract major attention. But that concept may well be premature. Do you think NOT makes a major NR before Dec.1, or do we go into the final tendering date at $1.60 or so ? Do you think consolidation is really the "Hail Mary" shot by NOT that is a prerequisite to attract a major ?