Considering the historically very fine results for PGEs. I don't see why they don't compete for as much and more attention as the NI. It is the PMs that will be showing increasingly high value both for monitary value as well as industrial applications. NOT likewise seems to highlight the the prominence of NI. Mass always seems to get public attention. But like two quarter pounders of beef getting the attention of a MacDonalds fan for a couple of bucks, a few ounces of Beluga Sturgeon caviar wouldn't generally wet the same appetite....except that it could be worth as much as several thousand dollars. NOT has the promise of lots of caviar but isn't flaunting it yet. The numbers are very good but inconclusive as yet....just like the NI still seems to be....regardless of the increasing resource. It somehow is never enough to move the sp. Talk platinum, paladium... a few other ium's, gold and silver and you'll get some attention. We'll see what the assays show.....what ever year they come out in. :)