What is there to explain? It matters not whether it is nickel or platinum, if there is money to be made in potash, oil or bricks that is where the market will invest.
So my point is that where there is more money then that is what gets served.
In our case most of it is in nickel and it is most easily obtained, anything else is just a bonus on top.
I am not attached to any of NOT's metals, just to the potential profits that they are likely to provide and to degree of $ value.
The public notices ium's or as in gold three decades ago (and silver a bit later) because of media hoopla, but they usually come in late i.e. when the smart folks started to dump.
I like to think of myself as a potential smart one this time around. That time I was too young (green around the ears) and not enough courage even though I knew what was going on and the potential for profit.
I bring the same thought to my investment in NOT.