NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Grand Chief

So, Lawrence Martin when asked about whether there would be a mine in the Rof in the next year or two, replied:

"I don't know about 2 years perhaps 5 or 10. We have been impoverished for a long time so 10 more years means nothing.

According to the submitted salaries and expenses required in the First Nations transparency act....there is NOT ONE CHIEF OR BAND MEMBER IMPOVERISHED. NOT ONE.

These specific folks who are NOT impoverished...are the ones that don't care if this gets stretched 10 or more years.

Ontario's Regional Chief..Stan Beardy is a complete joke. This so called Ontario Chief felt it was necessary to have tax payers pay for his trip to Ottawa Nov. 11, 2014 to visit Princess Anne so he could complain to her.

Of course Beardy... opposes the transparency act. He wants things to stay the way it is . With folks like him living the Kardashian life ... on the taxpayer's teat.


So far, more than 400 reserves have complied with the First Nations Financial Transparency Act and posted salaries onto a federal website, which anyone with a computer or Internet-equipped phone can access. The 130 that have not, including some Northwestern Ontario reserves, have until Nov. 26 to do the same.

Many First Nation leaders, Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy among them, have argued that the list is draconian and is part of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “agenda” to undermine the authority of First Nation governments.

Just take a look at Beardy's twitter account and the stuff he posts.


Beardy, has lost touch with reality. He should start reading the comments section of these articles he posts. Even the comments section in the CBC have taken a major turn.

If Beardy was paying attention...he'd notice that there is rarely a supportive comment. People are fed up with the blame game.

Folks like Beardy think....more money will solve everything. He and his clan take no accountability for anything. The kids are the reserve have low math and literacy marks...

According to Beardy this is all about money. Just give the Chiefs more money and the marks will go up..

In his opinion this has nothing to do with low attendance in schools.

With 90% unemployement...the parents have no time to make sure their kids get to school and to give them extra help with reading when they are at home....unemployed.

No ...it's just more money for the chiefs that's needed.

Folks like the new Chief Lawrence Martin are ok with the Rof and jobs in 10 years. They don't give a crap about programs like Rofta, the youth being trained and the time and expense of the companies doing the training. Folks like Lawrence and Beardy don't care about anybody but themselves. If they did they would making attempts to create some progress.

Rather than playing the blame game...why not follow a proven successful path.

Listen more to folks like Chief Louie.

Chief Louie stated that the only way for First Nations communities to gain economic independence is to go into business. “The economy should always be the number one issue,” he says, gazing into the distance. “It’s the number one issue for white people it should be the number one issue for native people.

Chief Louie, first elected to his post in 1984 at age 24, has dedicated himself to breaking the cycle of government dependence that dictates life on so many of Canada’s aboriginal reserves. He has succeeded brilliantly. With just 460 members, the Osoyoos Indian Band owns more businesses per capita than any other First Nation in the country. It employs 700 people – most of them non-native – and contributes $40-million a year to the local economy."

If folks like Stan Beardy, the Regional chief of Ontario, imposed some rules at the reserves..and imposed self accountability..promoted hard work ...then we would see progress.

If they thought like a proven successful Chief Louie, they would be showing enthusiasm towards the Ring of Fire and looking eagerly at training, infrastructure and business opportunity and getting the communities excited. They would be doing this ....if they really cared.

If the Chiefs feel they do not have adequate accomodation and consultation...they should put together a document describing what they consider adequate, rather than lay blame.

Beardy demands an inquiry into everything. This is his way of making it appear like he is actually doing something.

We can spent millions and millions of dollars into inquiries...but the end result would be....some Chiefs like Stan Beardy and Lawrence Martin...and others just don't give a damn they are not good leaders. The End.

Well the Ontario province is broke...and since certain Aboriginal leaders don't give a damn about LEGAL business opportunity for folks on the reserve and for others...AND at the same time.. keep demanding more money for social programs...and ridiculous inquiries...they will have to pay for it...since Ma and Pa tax payer is broke and folks waiting for jobs are still waiting..

A couple of years ago the Taxpayer's Federation...wrote this:


"Contraband tobacco is a major source of tax evasion in Canada. Despite the popularity of politicians cracking down on ‘tax-cheats’ and of being seen to ‘fight smoking,’ cracking down on contraband tobacco remains politically sensitive. This is likely attributable to the inconvenient fact that the sale of illegal, contraband tobacco is a major source of income for some on-reserve Status Indians. "


Based on news yesterday...the Liberals are putting aside "politically sensitive" and going after a major source of on-reserve illegal income.

Perhaps changes like this...will make training, and legal job opportunity more welcoming to some of these chiefs who will get pressured from folks on the reserves.


"Sousa said the government hopes to recover $700 million annually by cracking down on the underground economy, including illegal cigarettes"


Saddled with a $12.5-billion budget deficit for 2014-15, and aiming to balance the books by 2017-18, the treasurer will tout the new multi-pronged strategy to collect more revenue.

“We’re going after contraband tobacco,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to freely discuss policy changes that will not be made public until Monday afternoon.

With an estimated 40 per cent of the cigarettes smoked in Ontario being untaxed because they are manufactured on First Nations reserves and then illegally distributed throughout the province, the Liberals are expected to step up enforcement.

Over the past six years, some 235 million contraband cigarettes have been seized by police.

But that’s just a small amount of the smokes smuggled off reserves into cities where they are sold, often to children and teens, for far less than legal, taxed tobacco.


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