Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: I’m not convinced this is about employee retention

IF -

Engineers and other POET employees have already had their options repriced, as reported here


The repricing of options only applies to Sr. Management and other insiders

SO, to me, this is NOT about employee retention, it is about bailing out management after bad decisions and communication cost the investor community a LOT of money.  The sp has decreased significantly, and 

IF - 

Sr. Management has led the company in a direction that has caused the sp to decrease


I am not willing to provide them a lower cost on their options than I have paid for the stock as it has decreased in value.

Instead of Sr. Management and Insiders asking for a lower cost, I suggest that they do everything possible to increase the value of the stock in the company they manage.  And, if Sr. Mgmt threatens to leave the company unless they receive approval to buy shares at a fraction of the cost I paid, I am concerned that these insiders are less optimistic about the future of the company than THEY have led me to believe.

Sr. Mgmt and Insiders:

Are you asking me to give you a lower cost on your options after YOU set the initial price for your options based on your own analysis of the company and market?  Well, I already purchased shares based on this same analysis, and I don't get to reprice my costs.  And, I am not managing the company - YOU are.  You have the knowledge and control to impact the value of the company.  I don't.  In my opinion, Sr. Mgmt should be held accountable for driving value in the company.  They should be held accountable for increasing the sp to a point where they are heavily compensated through the equity they hold in the company.  Therefore, I vote NO to Sr. Mgmt and insiders receiving a cost reprieve.  

I would vote YES for employee option repricing, for the reasons already discussed.  But, if this is for mgmt and insiders only - NO.

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