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Message: Re: New Apabetalone Fabry Disease Publication

...or at least have the business development wherewithal to partner on other indications where Apabetalone or other company compounds have shown promise. To me it's a pretty sad statement about management that in 20+ years they have only managed to move Apabetalone close the the end of a drawn out cardiovascular program and spun out Zenith. HIV and sepsis should be funded and in trials with or without partners.  CKD and Dimentia programs should have been separated from cardio and funded as from what I have read those types of programs can be shorter than cardiovascular programs. Not to mention all the pre clinical compounds we have been repeatedly told about. It seems incredible that management has only been able to run one ph3 trial since 2013, closing in on 10 years.

 It's bad enough that it is lousy business practice from an investment perspective but it is absolutely shameful IMO that bad management keeps potentially excellent therapeutics from getting closer to patients. 

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