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Message: Re: New Apabetalone Fabry Disease Publication

"Edmonton hospital admissions are trending up...still can't believe that Albertans are that afraid of apabetalone? And Torontonians don't want to try it either? Something smells just a bit fishy out there!"


& what about the Brazil NUMBERS?? When i talked to Sarah last week, i asked about new sites opening there & she responded more or less " Like i've said to you before we will not be giving updates/a play by play everytime we dose a patient or a new site comes online ,It will be a much larger update when it comes""


The thing is when I chatted with her a couple weeks prior to the above conversation I was told "we could expect new site opening updates" that's not going to happen now by the sounds of it.


Fair enough but one would think by now they have to be getting so so close to being fully enrolled,don't they?

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