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Message: Re: New Apabetalone Fabry Disease Publication

Koo, I'm not sure at all.

Having done a very small bit of research on ORI they are a capital company with, as I recall, a rough goal of ROI in 5 years. Hence, having a seat on the BOD of RVX at least there is a chance that they voice concern at that level and begin to question why progress is not being made at a reasonable pace.

Prior to the debenture extension I had a suspicion that ORI and Hepa would team up to take control of the IP or RVX in some fashion or another. But I was abviously very wrong.

As an outsider with no inside connections what I've observed since the end of BoM seems to be a very healthy and positive stream of scientific publications on apabetalone but the business side seems completely lackadaisical regarding financing, comminications and progress.

On the science side we observed the indepent screening of apabetalone as a candidate in that battle against Covid and we saw sebsequent independent research to back that up. However, when it comes to the trial it seems to be a mess of confusion and continued mushroom management by the business team. 

Success on the Covid trial I feel is necessary because of managements inability to find financing to cover the day to day basic expenses and to fund BoM2.

My hope is as follows;

  1. I hope for very successful Covid trials leading to drug appproval and a revenue stream.
  2. I hope Eversana will take complete control of the brand image and how it is represented publically.
  3. I hope that at this stage they will install a competent and enthused CEO.

After that it is a new ball game.



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