Welcome To The Spider Resources HUB On AGORACOM

First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Re: From the other side...In Response to potential Offer...

The agora action seems to have shifted to this forum, and that is good. The more discussion about our present situation, the better, as every post, long or short, carries some tidbit of information that one can add to their knowledge.

First off, I was remiss in using the term "integrity" to describe the FWR BOD actions. As Snug says, I would probably have done the same myself in their position. The error at the time was for the retail shareholder to expect them to do anything else. There were numerous posts at the time that exhibited total confidence that Mac and company would look after us all. Baloney! They are in it for themselves just as we all are.

Another error that has been stated here is that we do not have the institutional players here that were involved in the FWR takeover. That is wrong. There was much discussion then that while NOT had heavy institutional investors, FWR was mainly held by retail. This changed very dramatically in the short time FWR was in play, and I suspect that this has already begun here.

I also would suggest that everyone here take a bit of time today and consider what you want out of this investment. The share price over the last three years has gone from 3 cents to 22 cents, back to 3 cents and is now over ten. Almost everyone here will have bought at some point in this range and will have a different cost base average. a triple for some will be less than 10 cents while a triple for others will be as high as .40 cents. Pick your exit price ahead of time and stick to it. That will allow you to sleep at night. I would daresay that I have as many or more shares of SPQ than any one on this forum, and I have my exit points selected for a third at a time. It may not reach those points or it may go higher, but this relieves the anxieties in between. JD has suggested that we all hold out for huge gains, and while I am sympathetic to his reasoning and certainly hope it can work, everyone's situation is different and they should keep their own counsel as to when to sell. This is not a shot at JD, and in fact if there is the necessity to organize a resistance I would suggest he lead it as he did an excellent job with FWR.

Everyone seems convinced that this action is a result of interest from CLF, and that they intend to move on SPQ/KWG shortly. As I review the action over the last few days, I am starting to wonder. Why would CLF let the SP run as it has before presenting an offer? It only increases the price they will have to offer. What if there were negotiations going on with someone else, say chinese for example. What if SPQ/KWG suddenly announced they had another offer on the table, but KWG was forced, thru previous agreements to inform CLF before publicizing it. That could dwarf any thoughts of 20-30 cents.

Interesting times indeed

Best regards


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