Message: Re: Pacer: I"m not sure SS got this one - it's 283 pages DB-DIS
Mar 24, 2009 08:42AM

Main Entry: gray market
Function: noun
: a market employing irregular but not illegal methods; especially : a market that legally circumvents authorized channels of distribution to sell goods at prices lower than those intended by the manufacturer

gray market–noun

gray market
n. The business of buying or selling goods, such as imports, at prices below those set by an official regulatory agency.

[gray1 + (black) market.]

gray market

a market operating within the law but charging prices substantially below list prices or those fixed by an official agency.

an unofficial market in which goods are bought and sold at prices lower than the official price set by a regulatory agency [syn: grey market]

Gray Market

1. An unofficial market where new issues of shares are bought and sold before they become officially available for trading on the stock exchange.

2. The sale or import of goods by unauthorized dealers.

Investopedia Commentary

1. Trading in gray or "when-issued" markets can provide a good indication of demand for a new issue.

In some parts of the world "gray" is spelled "grey".

2. In this case, items that were manufactured abroad and imported into a country without the consent of the trademark holder would be a gray market good.

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