Message: My view after listening to CC

After listening to Nunally i am more confident and certain that the new entity that discussed by him are dealing with a major smart phone company.

This partnership will be huge because of its penetration in mass market.

The way he explained it appears they are already beta testing this

product and are satisfied with its result . He also said we will see in this product in the market soon !

I am not worry at all in regarding the patent application for this device or its prior art situation at this time !

I know several new companies( with still pending their patents after 2 years) with mass market penetration.

One of this company that a i am very familiar are being sold (before even their patent granted) for more than 100 million dollars .

My first guess regarding this smart phone partnership will be

SAMSUNG but when Nunally mentioned CDMA & wire less the QUALCOM comes into the mind .
Mar 15, 2011 11:20AM
Mar 15, 2011 11:46AM
Mar 15, 2011 11:52AM
Mar 16, 2011 12:51PM
Mar 16, 2011 01:07PM
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