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Trial and Error: The United States Injustice System!

Articles - Articles by Brent Johnson

by Brent Johnson

When the united States of America was founded, it was believed that we were building a society in which every Citizen would receive justice. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag ends with the words, “with Liberty and Justice for all.”

What a shame that our country has abandoned those sacred principles on which it was originally established. Modern Amerika (sic) looks nothing like the Republic we were given by the Founding Fathers; the objective of justice for all has never been further from reality.

As a matter of fact, today’s Amerikan justice looks remarkably similar to the kind of justice meted out in Old England, where the aristocratic class - including the political elite, police, government workers, and attorneys - received justice and consideration for their concerns and issues, while the vast majority of the people (i.e. commoners) received only the justice they could purchase with their wealth.

Let’s not forget the ruling handed down by U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger; who authorized the effective imprisonment in cages of all protesters at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. Judge Krieger decided that even though protesters would suffer some infringement on their freedom of expression, it was justified in order to maintain good security at the event. Judge Krieger advocates taking away freedom in order to enhance security! Does she sound more like an Amerikan or a fascist?

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