Message: Last VENT of 2013

I disagree that the decision is in the hands of the legal team.

Yes, but it's the easiest thing to say and make the questions go away ;-)

No doubt that there are things they should and should not say. However if it is true that EDIG has never been in a better position and that great things are ahead for the company, one would think that communication levels could increase over what we've had for the past 4-5 years.

I know they would never say anything that is overtly negative... such as "We tried to accomplish 'x' but were not successful". And silence by itself does not mean they aren't making progress but continued silence over a long period of time certainly implies that. And yes, technically they have not been 'silent' this year since there have been PRs. But when I say silence, I mean they have not said anything of substance - and substance means actual progress that is reflected in greater shareholder interest and a rising share price.

If we consider a statement like: "It will take 1-3 years for the CA market to mature", wouldn't that mean that in order to be a part of that 'mature' market, one should best be getting their ducks in a row right NOW? If it takes months/years to bring new products to market, wouldn't that mean that agreements to do just that should be getting signed right about NOW?

The CA space is moving right along. We're either going to be part of it or completely left behind... and then the company will tell us that they're going after Nunchi infringers? No, I do not want that because going after infringers is not getting us anywhere. That should be extremely plain to see by now.

I can understand not saying anything until agreements are signed. I will not understand letting Apple off easy without a good reason beyond putting a little more money into Handal's pockets without them having to go to court.

Something has to come to light very soon if we are going to be successful at all. It's looking like we'll be pissing away a perfectly good Markman Hearing date in March? I would like to know why if that is what happens. I'm tired of hearing about how great Handal is. I want to know what great things are happening for the company.

I said a few months back that I thought all settlements combined would amount to less than 1M. When the 10Q came out, I found out that I wasn't conservative enough for it was less than .5M. I'll say now that I think the Feb 10Q will show less than 2M total. That may or may not include Apple (probably not), but I'll still bet that Apple won't amount to enough to move the needle (the share price) substantially. I know that doni doesn't care about the share price and that's fine. I think most do though and I myself care enough to cover for him.

Silversurfer said farewell because he's tired of fighting the evil forces that want to turn this board into another RagingBull and I get that. My own posts have been pretty negative lately and I do not wish to argue or have this board turn into a cesspool either. On the other hand, I've grown very tired of excuses for the company not producing and not communicating, while at the same time saying how wonderful things are going to be and how the company has never been stronger.

EDIG is not a great company by virture of what's said here, by the patents it holds, by the number of settlements reached, or by its current 8 cent share price. It can only become great if it produces something of value to us - its shareholders, and not just value for insiders and lawyers.

Sorry folks but it is what it is. I've kept fairly quiet this year and will probably continue mostly quiet in 2014 as long as nothing is happening (which is most of the time). I am holding because I think an 'EDIG surprise' is still possible although I believe that with each passing month it becomes less probable. I therefore hope for good news in the first quarter.

I wish everyone a very happy new year and good fortune in 2014!

- Sinkman

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