Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Gold up Huge... $39 Just Today at $1234!

Feb 11, 2016 11:33AM

From my earlier posting,, could smell 1250. written all over it,,also IMO pay heed to the analysists from 2009 early on GOLD to reach new cielings,, HOW high is the question,, the right answer is this,, BANKs Financiers and even Private investors always look ahead to repayment of the setup,, the SETUP is Global pressures and limited domestic pressures which are interupters,, interupters are such as competition,demand (flo of goods to mkt)note,, ALL GOODS/ commodities, angst copper iron oil coal gas diesel, count as commodities as on demand products (cotton) as you do want to stay warm, not naked. NOW lets call all of this an economic inbalance in that it can become a poorly distributed means of goods and services. So what todo as the real answer is getting finance, so the "BUCK STOPS HERE" because the expansion is:

"Global demand of goods and services",, think of that domestic problem! Reason has it that BANKs etc, want to stay in bussiness and fiat money just does not certify repayment of goods and the return of goods for the ROI, to the BANK that means the investment plus the reward for fronting the Commodities to market, painting with a very broad paintbrush. As i myself said back in 2010 that the only protection for BANKs and all Fiducary is GOLD. After the open MKT finishes playing with GOLD and it should hit a run like never in HISTORY, meaning exceedingly higher than the present high of 2010 of nearly $2000.00. History, ROME paid the Mongol hourdes 1 full chest of GOLD every year for a very long time, until ROME edged out of their crisis of fighting too many wars with England,Spain, those crazy Norsmen, too many Battles which likens the situation today for Financiers, too many places to assure Economic growth. What happens is ROME had to force the issue to stay on GOLD and stop paying the Mongols, whom were cutting deeply into their cashflo, bear in mind it cost ROME much less to payoff and to stave the inevitable, the WAR. That War today is the WAR of finance and breaking out by yielding to the inhearant value of GOLD will replace or rather underwrite the intrinsic values of FIAT money mind you "FIAT MONEY" is paper"ONLY" in good faith. Currency fully backed by you got it GOLD. With the BALANCE of valuation of exchanges being curried by a balance GOLD price then makes GOLD the perfect fit to underwrite the investment. FDR hated GOLD because GOLD stood to make a runnaway valuation back in late 20s and thru 30s, thats why Gold was illegle to posess. Now the opposite has happened. Gold is far more scarce hence lifting the true valuation per ounce of AU, this balances out as the cost to extract is much higher than the prices set on "OLDE" GOLD which you could just scoop out of a stream. Remember it is that the FED says "NO", GOLD cannot be a currency nor the backer/underwriter. Switzerland voted it narrowly just 2 years ago down for the moment, I say when GOLD falls into favor i say around $2500. per ounce then GOLD will be in full fashion. Which i will say will be unlike the BULL run on GOLD in the early 80s. So conclude that 2 billion shares of LBSR stands to be worth much more with the intrinsic possibility that GOLD in fact may become a far more valuable commodity than ever with adoption of several Global Govs signing on to underwrite FIAT money valuation.

You can flutter thru a lot of thoughts about GOLD. Here is what the annalists were saying in 2010, that GOLD was worth 550K per ounce or higher. Many annalists said the same thing, if Govs/ Fiduciearies accept GOLD to back currency and balance of exchange FIAT, then you can count on FIAT money to have real worth. It wont be a matter of pulling a RABBIT out of an HAT it is just that as the SWISS rejected the idea, that then was not the time for GOLD as of that time. GOLD has to find its time and thats it. IMO to me its time just looks eminent, NOW! Some mines are costing $700. to retrieve 1 ounce of GOLD in todays market. Investors are backing off as risk reward there is a far spread, even though the the Producers can cost out thru production of cousin minerals, the bread and butter PLAN. Unlike oil GOLD has fascination, jewlery beauty enhancment, electronics, space shuttles anon, wedding rings etc. Governments know that GOLD also can back PHONEY money, "FIAT" and that GOLD ASSET PAPER will likely be a far more negotiable paper exchange for goods and services. DEDUCT that Gold is underwriting most all of the other minerals mined today. Thats why it costs are sacrifices thru the "bread and butter plan". Thats why GOLD may agin become the underwriter of FIAT money both domestic and off shore. Lastly i do believe that is the driver of GOLD in the range of its valuation, the intrinsic that GOVS may want to buy up our AU and vault is as never before. Just my thouights here.

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