Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Greater exposure needed

As to the comment re Karen not skilled at dialing and smiling, it appears to me to be unwarranted. However, if you have a list of telephone numbers handy, I am sure she would welcom having the opportunity to call them. Even so, what would you have Karen tell them? David Palmer runs a nice tight ship. I don't believe he is a pump and dump type of guy. I believe he may have been contacted by several of the pump and dump rags out there, but Dave won't give them the time of day to print up beautiful color brochures and send out to a bizillion people in an effort to push up the share price. Palmer is just too classy an honorable. Ditto for Karen.

In due course, as worthy and verifyable news is available, Palmer will issue appropriate news releases, but not before. For sure, the share price of a company's stock will relate to the success or failure of the company. Pump and dump hype can only cause bad feelings and mistrust in the market.

In Probe's case, the share price will refflect the reality of the level of success achieved and it will be a price based upon diginity and honor of management, including Karen.

Aug 12, 2011 02:30PM
Aug 12, 2011 03:06PM
Aug 15, 2011 10:35PM
Aug 16, 2011 12:51PM
Aug 16, 2011 02:37PM
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