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Message: Re: MSHA problem

Feb 11, 2010 03:54PM
Feb 12, 2010 06:28AM
Feb 16, 2010 02:24PM
Feb 16, 2010 04:10PM

Feb 16, 2010 07:10PM

A buyout has always been a possibility here. I thought we'd hear more noise on a possible JV than a buy out. That hasn't happened either. I thought last year when we struck that little deal with Motorola that more would come from that. I don't think Motorola even has that device approved by MSHA yet and they expected it by April 2009(I remember chuckling when I read that).

There has to be something going on behind the scenes for no one to have received a PO yet. I think we are the only publicly traded company in this niche so it's hard to compare the effect of the delay to the other players. L-3 investors probably don't care because it's only a small part of what they do & govt funding means they'll get the lion-share of the POs just from association with NIOSH & MSHA.

Anyone else having trouble with SH this morning?

Feb 18, 2010 09:17AM

Feb 18, 2010 11:01AM

Feb 18, 2010 11:04AM
Feb 18, 2010 11:30AM

Feb 18, 2010 11:38AM

Feb 18, 2010 11:49AM

Feb 18, 2010 12:54PM
Feb 18, 2010 01:21PM
Feb 18, 2010 08:00PM
Feb 19, 2010 05:54AM
Feb 19, 2010 06:12AM

Feb 19, 2010 09:36AM

Feb 19, 2010 05:46PM
Feb 19, 2010 05:52PM
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