I have now been in CLL for three years. Though I would like to say I got out before it caved in, I would be blowing smoke. Though I think there is a reasonable chance Connacher will make it, there are so many contingencies that could go wrong which are totally beyond any ones control at present, that I doubt anyone can say so with a high degree of confidence. As a US Citizen, I have been killed due to the artificial l strength of the US$. With confidence this will change over the coming months, any movement back to Canadian$ parity will get me back to break even. One can only hope! As a matter of principle, I consider this a great time to get out of US $ denominated assets. Unless we fall over the cliff into deflation, which is hard to imagine, with all of the pump priming and money creation, we should have a very inflationary economy. All in all, a very uncertain climate for any at present!