Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Cockeral makes some valid points.

There is plenty of room for debate on this heated 'topic'.

Here are a few questions that come to mind. I invite all open minded investors to add their questions so that a list is compiled for management to address.

Tough times require tough questions…and timely response...from any CEO of any PM/JPM.

How is it rational that a stock loses over 85% of its value, while its resource base increases…and during which time from Dec./2010 to today, the price of the underlying resources, gold and silver, have gone from $1400 to $1600 and $20 to $27 respectively?

What efforts have management made, and what action/s have they pursued to explain why such an anomaly transpired ?...especially exaggerated compared to peers?

What inquires or efforts have been expended with respect to possible naked short selling of the shares? If such is discovered, who is responsible?

On July 5th, 2012, Jim Willie made the following statement:

Jim Willie today: july 5/12… see goldseek.com



For two decades the bank cartel has been selling Gold & Silver futures contracts without collateral. They are exempted from regulatory action and prosecution, as part of some absurd position in national security. The practice covers the USGovt gold treasure, long gone, gutted, pilfered. On February 29th of this year, JPMorgan alone sold a full year of global silver mine output in a single hour. This is obscene. Compared to several years ago, the Big Four US banks have twice as big naked short contract position for precious metals.A parallel takes place, like with the Alpha Group for naked shorting Canadian mining stocks through their handy outlet Canaccord. If individuals attempted to naked short any futures contracts, they would be prosecuted and tossed in prison, their assets confiscated. The criminality is vast…”

Is management aware of such public and bold accusations against Canaccord? If they are untrue, why has no legal action been taken? If true, why has management not pursued such illegal transactions if they might apply?

Jul 25, 2012 06:59AM
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