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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Re: Cockeral makes some valid points...tidbits.
Jul 24, 2012 10:03PM
Jul 25, 2012 06:59AM

Hi Tidbits and all:

Well, I started a list of questions that may or may not be relevant in the eyes of some others here. Although, may I timidly point out, with total humility that my 'relativity' post has over 20 recommendations as of now, so obviously it resonated with at least 20 delusional shareholders out there. With a 'PE' of 10, I figure that is 200 (I say to myself). So, whether others who have strongly disagreed with my perspective recognize that or not, it is a fact.

My suggestion is that all concerned (since it would appear that some feel there is no concern and that management is above reproach) should add their valid questions (none with suggested accusations, whatever benchmark is that that constitutes) to the list over the next week or so, and then have a major shareholder present them to the CEO/management...requesting a report back of the answers to this forum...and therefore publically to all shareholders. I believe that is just what Jim Sinclair has suggested. Since there are also many who are angry with me and have their own opinions...and therefore very different, non-delusional, non-conspiratorial questions...well thought out questions, well planned with considerable insight etc. ...all points of view can be fairly presented.

Since I am no longer a major shareholder here I don't have as much at stake as many others, especially many of the original longs. Perhaps a long that is respected by all here could take charge of such a project...thereby proceeding as objectively as possible, taking all emotion out of the process.

May I mention the fact that I have posted over 4000 posts over 14 years, a majority of them on ECU and AUM boards...ever since day one when I purchased predecessor William Resources for 2 cents and then followed Bill Murphy from the day he crawled through the shafts and adits of ECU's property. I have learned a lot since then. In fairness and honesty to GWR, I was a staunch supporter most of those years and could not see that the JPMs were in for a very tough ride in the face unrelenting fraud, manipulation and suppression that would last years longer than ever dreamt of by all the experts who in good faith have been bowled over at the power and determination of the powers that be. ...although, as it turns out, Mike Veneroso had it nailed.

May I also point out to the 'Baba's' out there that I have been in the trenches long enough and paid my dues...tough times do require tough people…’Baba…’. At this juncture I am very tired and yet blood boiling angry…and emotional, bloody well emotional…as all shareholders should be. We have been cheated, scorned and derided. Geez, we go to a football game and get incensed by a bad Ref call! Here, we become mushrooms and ask polite questions at annual shareholder meetings, shake hands and have a nice little drink. I have not given up by a long shot and I am expecting the next leg in the 20 year bull run of gold and silver to be spectacular.

As for being a ‘conspiracy theorist’, a worn out taunt if ever there was one, I have been called that long ago (14 years) when others such as Bill Murphy and John Embry were being publicly ridiculed for charging that the gold and silver markets were being manipulated. Who’s laughing now? Who was right on target? Seems over half the industry is now behind them.

To sit back and complain and complacently believe that the management and CEOs and BOD’s of any of the miners/explorers/ developers are to be totally trusted and beyond reproach today is merely acquiescing to the egregious state of the markets and the deplorable status quo. To take for granted today that all is well is a major mistake … and often one that is silent approval to the complacency of the new management regime. Jim Sinclair pretty well says it all when he calls for them to get a ‘wake up’ call. They bloody well need it and they should be this very day putting their ‘Cajon’s’ on the line demanding answers to tough question put to the regulators, politicians, banks, brokers and any others…as intimidating and dangerous as they perceive that too be. They will not do it until people get bloody mad and bloody emotional and make it bloody clear in no uncertain terms that they demand transparency, justice and fiduciary responsibility from the well paid bottoms running THEIR PUBLIC, shareholder owned, companies. There should be no stone left unturned and there should be legal and accounting exposure by and from all concerned.

Good investing everyone!

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