Message: Re: Thoughts on Agoracom membership
Apr 19, 2021 02:26PM

Cal:  " I am not  able to see flag either, wonder if only Hub leader can see it.  Okiedo , can you delete message before administration catch it? "


Cal, in referring to the matter in question, both JDubski and Pavel had posts on the Discussion Forum of the LAC Hub that were dated 18 April 2021.  Both posts had visible flags to the left of the heading in the list of Discussion Forum posts for a day or two and then both posts were deleted.  The posts and their flags would not be visible to anyone now post deletion.  While the flags were visible I could go to a separate site provided only to "Hub Leaders" where I could view the status of each.  For a while, both were listed as "Process" or "Processing" or something similar, I have forgotten the exact wording.  At any rate they were under review by the Agoracom Administration subsequent to some other member filing a complaint against both authors of the 2 posts, a separate complaint for each author.  


As to the visibility of the flags while the posts were in "Process" review by the Administrator:  I assumed that all members here could visualize those flags.  Cal's comment and that of Pavel have both left me questioning that assumption.  Hopefully, if any member here on this Hub saw those preliminary flags against the heading list of posts for those 2 posts of 18 April they will speak up and let me know.  If no one else saw the flags then that calls into question my assumption that they were visible to all members.  Like I said:  There was no instruction manual for me as an appointed "Hub Leader".  It is an OJT position!


I did not delete either post myself.  As to whether or not I have the ability as a temporary "Hub Leader" to do so, the answer is "Yes" and I can do so before the Agoracom Administrator gets involved if I note an inappropriate post that violates the 6 Rules first before the Administrator.  That was not the case with the 2 posts in question.  In this case the Administrator reviewed the complaints and made a decision.  The Administrator then deleted both posts.


As for wondering how it all works.  Great observation, Cal.  There isn't a "Manual" for "Hub Leaders".  I am in a particularly precarious situation myself since I am an "Appointed President" rank vs my actual rank as only a "Treasurer".  That is part of the reason that I am soliciting other additional members of this Hub to serve as additional "Hub Leaders".  I think that would provide more legitimacy to the Hub Leader situation here on this Hub, however it would also open the door for controvery regarding the decision process and I believe the best way to proceed is to always keep the number of Hub Leaders at an odd number so that a simple majority rules in case of any split opinions on a decision making process to discipline another member for complaints of Violation of the 6 Rules.


  In any case, the ultimate decision lies with the Agoracom Administrator for this Hub.  I believe, through experience and not because I was instructed on this, that one of the most important duties of a Hub Leader is to intercede with the Agoracom Administrator in cases where a charge of Violation has been made by one member against another member when the person charged with the violation has been apparently unjustly accused of a violation.  No one told me that was part of the role of Hub Leader, but then again there has been no instruction book for this job.


  I have seen, over the past year, probably a dozen or more cases where a member here has been unjustly accused of a "Violation" and I have interceded by contacting the Administrator via email in those cases where the member charged with the "Violation"  has requested it and even in some where I had no such request and it appeared obvious to me that the charge against the member was entirely bogus and trumped up because of some real or perceived personal rivalary between the two members. 


In a large number of cases the charges were levied by one member against another member not because of any real Violation, but because it was perceived by the complaintant as a way to cause damage to someone they didn't like, i.e. for personal reasons only and not in any way connected to a real desire to keep this Hub in line with the original intentions of the Founders of Agoracom to run a clean ship.  


I hope this answers your questions and I am really hoping to add some additional Hub Leaders next month in order to provide different viewpoints and more legitimacy to whatever constitutes being a "Hub Leader" here on this Hub.



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