Message: Re: Thoughts on Agoracom membership
Apr 19, 2021 02:26PM

Again, reference:  "Cal:  " I am not  able to see flag either, wonder if only Hub leader can see it.  Okiedo , can you delete message before administration catch it? "

Note to Cal and to all Agoracom members of this LAC Hub:

Thanks to some  detective work by Pavel and JDubski, I have been able to ascertain the answer to my question of who is able to see the "Flags" set against the post of a contributing member is another member has filed a "Violation" complaint against them, either while the complaint is in process or once a decision has been made by Agoracom Administration or by one of the Hub Leaders.  Keep in mind that for now, at least, I am the only "Hub Leader" on this Hub.  Hopefully, next month we will have additional Hub Leaders... that is my goal.  There is still time for any one of you members to send me a PM and volunteer to be a Hub Leader, just sayin'

OK, I remind you all, there is no "Instruction Manual" for Hub Leaders.  I wasn't aware of who could and who could not see "Flags" against the topic heading of a members post here on this Hub, or for that matter on any Agoracom Hub.

A couple of members, mentioned above, helped turn up the answer.  It appears that when one member of Agoracom files a complaint that a "Violation" of one of the 6 Rules has occured then a "Flag" is placed next to that supposed offensive post by Agoracom Administration.  I believe that the flag is in place as long as a decision has not been made by Agoracom Administration as to what they are going to do.  Keep in mind that a Hub Leader also can delete an offensive post and can also revoke membership of a member who grossly violates the 6 Rules.  In that second case, the one where a disciplinary measure is taken by a Hub Leader before any action by an Agoracom Administrator, I don't believe there is a use of a "Flag" in that case.

At any rate, it appears clear that these "Flags" are not something that the rest of you are going to see.  I did not know that before the detective work of JDubski and Pavel.  Many thanks to you both.

I have not been advised by Agoracom as to any objection if a Hub Leader contacts the person being charged with the Violation while that Violation is in "Process".  So, without being so advised, if I see a "Flag" next to your post and after I have read the post I believe the charge is totally bogus and constitutes only a groundless and malicious attack without merit, then I feel free to contact the member being charged with the "Violation" and advise them to contact the Agoracom Administrator and explain in their own words as to why the charge against them is bogus and without merit.  This will be my policy until and unless I am advised otherwise by Agoracom Administration and/or removed as a temporary "Hub Leader".  My removal could come in an instant, but that is the way I see things.  I know who is attacking this Hub and I know why.  I won't stand by and allow that to happen without speaking up against a process designed to destroy this Hub in the same manner that other messge boards have been destroyed.  I say that as a targeted expression that is intended for the person behind these attacks to take as full notice.  Should that person, himself or herself, blatantly cross over the line and commit a gross "violation" of the Rules then I will cancel his/her membership in a heartbeat.  Period.

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