Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: d2006s / Re: From Gloria: Date........March 14, 2010..........FWIW
Mar 22, 2010 01:49PM
Mar 22, 2010 01:53PM
Mar 22, 2010 02:12PM
Mar 22, 2010 02:17PM

Thanks for your many efforts over the last many months. I, and I'm sure many others appreciate them, and your willingness to share them.

As I see you're already being accused of joining "the gang", lol, I figured I'd take this opportunity to point out the obvious.

According to this response, Gloria is now taking the official position that the company's IR communication is the responsibilty of Agoracom posters. If this wasn't the case, then I'd appreciate it if someone "from the light side - lol" here to direct me to the appropriate press release or official company communication or filing that they were asking for 120 days to figure anything out. For that matter, the last PUBLIC communique from the company regarding the hiring of the CEO was that Eclat's Market Assessment Report was going to be the "an essential tool in framing the competencies sought for the CEO candidate". That report was to be completed more than 80 days ago.

So, Gloria and fellow Agoracom posters, make no mistake, there IS an intent to keep people in the dark. If it weren't for posters like Debbie, and StormKing, and the others who did a great job of rehashing what was said at the shareholder meeting (a meeting by the way that was disingenuously and really quite commically moved from mild California, to Chicago in the dead of winter under the guise of making it easier for people to attend), we would know even much less than what we do know. And even what we do know is not something that we can count on because it doesn't come from any official company sources. While I'm not accusing them, to illustrate my point, for all we know Debbie and the others who posted about the SHM could all be fake posters lying about what was said or about even being there.

It's this kind of hokey, laughable "professionalism" that plagues everything about PTSC. Gloria says that Cliff is doing a great job! Hasn't she said the same about all the previous CEO's?! This is the same Cliff that tied up ostensibly all of PTSC's liquid cash in ONE investment, albeit a typically safe one. This is the same Cliff who continues to maintain offshore accounts for PTSC.

Look, I realize this is a longshot stock. I realize that there are many obstacles that are put in PTSC's way from without. But that doesn't mean that company officials have to misdirect, and convey insincere and inaccurate information, and COMPOUND all these problems. In fact, to the contrary! The best tactic to battle these types of onslaughts from outside of the comapny is to be forthright, diligent, and proactive. These are three qualities I find difficult to ascribe to PTSC, and quite unwarranted based on the history that has been revealed through the SEC filings and PRs.

Gloria, your comments to Debbie in this missive only REINFORCE that perspective. If fact, you and Carlton and Helmut and Donald need to justify WHY you deserve one minute more of patience of a VERY PATIENT AND FORGIVING shareholder base, BEFORE you ever have the gall to ask for it!! With all due respect, your characterizations of Cliff's performance, after reviewing yours and the rest of the BOD's performance over the last 4 years, is meaningless. 14 cents is the guage of yours, Cliff's and everyone elses performance there at PTSC, and that is FAR FROM OUTSTANDING! If you are unable to navigate around the issues presented by the Re-Exams DESPITE receiving over $123M in revenues in that time, then what is the point of having you and the others on our BOD?! Your requests, and your comments are REMARKABLE.

Mar 22, 2010 03:42PM
Mar 22, 2010 03:50PM
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