Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: toooldtofly - Illogical board participation / Re: Illogical owernship
Sep 19, 2012 03:40PM
Sep 20, 2012 05:22PM
Sep 20, 2012 06:09PM
Sep 20, 2012 06:19PM
Sep 20, 2012 06:33PM

This is a stock message board, NOT the PTSC Board Room, SEC Headquarters, or a Financial News Network or Magazine! lol

You advise people that if they're unhappy with the current management and BOD and their failures, then sell and move on. It used to be that people woud only complain about rehashing the past, but now even discussion of the the CURRENT and ONGOING mismanagment is off limits in your paradigm. My my!!!

This forum isn't for the pumping of the PTSC stock, or focusing only on the potetential positives of the future (you glaringly but implicitly leave out the potential NEGATIVES of the future, I might add, potentials that based on the CEO and BOD's actions could be argued as the more likely outcome than the positives you and I think might occur). It is a forum to exchange information, ideas and discuss/argue the merits of each's viewpoints.

Why would you rather that those who disagree with your veiwpoints, simply disappear as you advise? Why wouldn't the similar advice apply to you that if you're so tired of what you read from some posters her, that you should simply leave the forum and never read or post here again. Do the right thing for yourself and make your time work for you elsewhere?! In light of your view of critical posters still holding, I'd argue it's even MORE illogical that you continue to frequent message boards as there is NO risk or negative financial outcome if you simply chose not to participate here. On the contrary, for shareholders like me who are underwater, selling to satisfy your paradigm would not only depress the share price even further, but would be a negative financially to myself.

Mind you, I'm not suggesting you do that. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of your position and those who hold a similar one. If you can't support your point of veiw with facts that support your point of veiw, or facts that disprove others' views, then why are you complaining? If you can do those things, then simply DO THOSE THINGS! Many times I've asked posters who are less critical of the BOD than I to support why I should change my view and the HISTORICALLY PROVEN RESULT that unless their actions change, the results won't significantly change. Please show me why with some quantitave argument, or anectodal evidence from similar situations at other companies that would support the view point, that I shouldn't worry about the past and the present because the future will change that. With all due respect, that argument's been rehashed over and over since 2007, yet with no changes.

Additionally, the argument's been advanced that it's posting like mine or biajj's or other similar critical posting pointing out with facts the past and ongoing failures of the management and BOD that suppresses the stock price, and NOT in fact, the actual performance and failures of management and BOD being pointed out. Again, I'm open to that view, but please SUPPOORT it if you want to argue that. I think it's a crock of you know what, but if there are historical examples, heck even ONE, that supports that for a steady five year period that posting on a message board is primarily what kept a share price depressed and left management and the BOD of that company unable to right the ship because of posters on a message board, then please provide the example! Seems preposterous doesn't it? But if not, it should be easily supportable.

So get real. This is a message board, just a message board, and nothing but a message board. It's a place where people come to exchange information, share ideas, argue, vent, and possibly coalesce support among the participants HERE! It's not E.F. Hutton, where "when agoracom posters post, people listen!" lol.

At best it's a place where like minded shareholders can perhaps form enough support to cause the company to act in a certain fashion or not. Obviously, it's not a place that's been successful in doing that. It's certainly not a place that has the ability to take the share price from $2.25 down to 15 cents and keep it there for the majority of 5 years or so (don't get anal on me and try to disprove the exact accuracy of that as it is intended more figuratively).

If you want discussion about the potential positives, then LEAD IT. If you want others like me to join in, then bang on the CEO and the BOD and the Licensing Partner, and tell them to get their collective heads out of their nether regions, and their hands out of the company treasury and to start proactively, consistently, and properly COMMUNICATING those potentials, their business plan for success, and start leading by example....that's is leading to somewhere other than the trash dump that they imply we're heading through their actions.

Success breeds success, not white noise on a message board. Conversely, failure breeds failure and if people sit idly by on their hands and do nothing about it, or ignore warnings about it, then it will continue. Nothing changes until it changes. The only ones who can CHANGE the fortunes of PTSC while it still has money in its treasury are described by 3 letter acronyms. CEO and BOD! The buck stops there and if there is an alternate truth than what they have published for the last 5 years, they need to get out that message and explain that plan and PROACTIVELY lead the market by example, or as the saying goes, "Get out of the way!".

Sep 20, 2012 06:47PM
Sep 20, 2012 11:13PM
Sep 21, 2012 08:07AM
Sep 21, 2012 09:08AM
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