Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: KXL Property Visit:June-September Comparison

KXL Property Visit:June-September Comparison

posted on Oct 01, 2008 04:57PM

I would like to provide an update from my perspective on two fronts, 1) KXL progress and comparison June-September visit and 2) Why I invested in KXL.

KXL September Progress since June Visit:

From a practical point of view I am able to compare the progress KXL has made in terms of exploration from my June visit compared to my September visit of the the Kodiak properities. We travelled via helicopter and visited key exploration targets(all mentioned in the August 1st news release). I will summarize the progress between June to September on a couple of targets:

1) Golden Mile has the potential be have a strike length of 8Km and proably extends to SAGE. We flew over the SAGE property and Brian pointed out the exposed vein on SAGE property that most likely is on strike with the Golden mile. In June the Golden Mile strike length was safely 2Km and as everyone's recalls, the long section was about 400m. The August 1st News release expanded the long section to 800m and i would guess that the long section will be significantly expanded and indicate substantially higher resource potential. It is amazing flying over the full length of the 8Km strike length of the Godlen Mile via helicopter. Stop and pause and think about this, 8KM strike length, one vein on less than 1% of the total Bearmore-Geralton land package.

2) West Geralton was also exciting and this is where we saw' Boomerrang'. We actually saw a drill in operation at this location. There is also great potential given the nature of the geology.

3) We flow over Solomon Pillars(BIF, banded iron formation), prelimary work was done, stripping and preparation for channel sampling

4) We proceeded to MAKI met the ground team and lead Geologist. I have to admit I was excited about Hercules/Golden Mile, but MAKI really is interesting. A sign of a strong company is directly related to the strength of their people assest. We know KXL has a strong geology team but their ground crew are also a surce of strength, why do i say that? Consider that they were able complere trenching, stripping, washing iand expose the vein n a matter of 5 days. On top of that they were able to use historical records that go back to the 1920's and find 'Sandra's pit. Sandra's pit was an area explored by the 'old timers' and recorded high gold values. This is evuablen of find a needle in a haystack. Remeber they are working in the middle of no where.

MAKI is exciting for a couple of reasons; 1) the historical gold values(files from the Ministry) are high and 2) Maki is on a potential strike length of 100km+, see the Magnetic Map from August 1st news release and 3) KXL team uncovered several veins

Why I Invested in KXL

The markets today have not been very kind to the investment community and companies across the board(larage cap to Juniors) hvae seen significant recustions of their SP. This is why, the indivdual needs to revist why they investing in KXL or any company. KXL SP has not been immune to the most recent financial crisis. Many people are forced to sell either because fear got the best of them or they simply have a financial need. Either way, indivduals should take pause and ask themselves why they bought KXL.

I bought KXL for the following reasons:

1) STrong Board and Managment Team. This is very important as the team is well connected within the financial community

2) The Richardson FAmily

3) Bill Chornobay and Brian Maher are driven executives on a mission to build shareholder value. I encourage everyone to meet with them at the upcoming events.

4) Outstanding TEchnical Team and Ground team

5) Cash in the bank( boy this is such a huge benefit in todays climate)

6) Size of the Land Package: 1400 sq km

7) Infrastrucrture, infrastructure and infrastrure. This is so significant when determining the economics of building a mine.

These are a few and I am sure there are other reasons. For me personally, the story since June has only increased my visibility and understanding of the resourse potential and ultimately value of KXL. I feel more optimistic about the future of KXL and understand that only patience will be rewarded. KXL has a lot of work to do but it is obvious to me they are at the top of their game as explorers and are envy of the mining ndustry.


Oct 01, 2008 05:18PM

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