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Message: Re: Gold goes up TRX goes down. Gold goes down TRX goes down. Nothing new!

If you guys are trying to put the best light on buying TRX, you are doing a lousy job.

Can you imagine how long you wouild last in a service business if your attitude to the customer was to say:" You don't like our products. Screw you. Get lost."

In the last 6 months I have been involved with this forum:

1) Someone made a call that TRX would be at 8 on Nov. 2010

2) Then he said 10 in Dec 2010

3) Then someone else said 8 in June 2011

Then Sinclair in the last AGM said that shares would not go above 100 million and they are now at 107 million. In June a permit was supposed to be issued for Buckreef. Bupkus!

To blow share holders off in as an arrogant fashion as you are doing destroys credibility.

You guys are no better than the shorts. The shorts are millions short and they scare the hell out of everyone into selling. You then criticize them for being so self serving. You guys are millions long and you want to intimidate people into not selling and you are just as self serving.

And then to have the gall to say " thanks for the sale " to share holders who have made a sincere commitement to TRX and to laugh in people's faces who are taking losses because they have no idea what Sinclair is doing, or that commitments are being missed cavalierly is arrogant beyond reason.

You think you are being smug in your arrogance, but in the end your ego will get the best of you.

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