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Message: Re: Gold goes up TRX goes down. Gold goes down TRX goes down. Nothing new!

It would be facinating to see the T/A fail. That would be a real learning experience.

The thing is that Trx is at an ultra critical point where it needs to make a move now or else it will get sucked down.

In my experience no matter how great a stock is it either makes a break out at a point when it is about to break down and the break out is so noticeable that you know you have a trend change; or it begins a climb at a very predictable place.

This is kind of vague but TRX has behaved this way ever since it breached a buck and I followed the sell 1/3rd rule and this has worked out quite well. The problem is that I had way too much capital tied up doing nothing so I have lightened up and diversified.

TRX is not a super natural occurence. It is subject to the laws of economics and has been so over the last 7 years.

As I said, TRX needs to make its move now. Von Missed It says 8 in the next few weeks. I agree in the sense that this would the budding of the move now but at the same time 10 needs to follow 8 shortly thereafter otherwise something is wrong. This is not rocket science and is quite predictable.

I love to quote Stevie Wonder's song in this regard: " When you belive in something you don't understand, superstition is the way." There are a lot of people who are superstitious about TRX because they really don't understand what the stock is doing. So they get superstitious and try to grasp onto some signs that tells them this is the next messiah and you have some really weird blogging.

It is better to formulate your own system of understanding and not depend on superstiton. That is how you get cleaned out if superstiton is your way like saying that any time this stock could move so you better sit tight.

As I said the move needs to be now otherwise I won't be calling him Von Missed It for nothing!

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