Message: LL

Aug 04, 2007 05:01AM

Aug 04, 2007 07:03AM

Aug 04, 2007 08:45AM

Aug 04, 2007 09:13AM

Aug 04, 2007 10:31AM

Aug 04, 2007 10:54AM

Aug 04, 2007 11:26AM


posted on Aug 04, 2007 12:53PM

I appreciate your caution and to let you know RP did state that nothing is written in stone and what the future holds for the Ip infringement question is entirely up how successful DM will be. He in essence did SAY THE SAME THING YOU HAVE BEEN CAUTIONING US ABOUT FOR A LONG WHILE. However he was quite positive about the success of this venture to the point of saying "when" not "EXPECTS". He gave no timetable but did state "details"
and I repeat "details" of what is occuring will be released this quarter.

DM has involved itself to a larger extent than originally planned. I know it is not because more than 174 companies have been identified, but MY OPINION, because of the way RP answered my questions, is because DM sees more opportunities here with more returns than they felt were available to them originally and have staffed up accordingly.

I asked RP if EDig and DM were still operating on the same page and were in touch with each other on a regular basis. His answer, "We are closer now than when we started"

I have met with and gotten to know RP for at least 8 years now. I do agree with your description of what his job is. However I have passed the point of being a casual investor, passing by for a few words of encouragement. He and I talk, I ask, what I believe, are fairly tough questions and he replies with an answer or a "no comment" While history is on his side as far as "expects", "soons", "press releases this quarter" my conversations with him go beyond that.

You are an attorney. I am making the assumption you have cross-examined a witness or two, or you have taken many depositions. In either case, if you are good at what you do, I am sure you have developed an insight as to wether or not a witness has veracity or not.

RP and I have talked so often that we talk, not as strangers, not as bosom buddies, but somewhere in between. He was straight forward and I feel was expressing his honest opinions, not palp to passify me. Along with job description that you so accurately have portrayed is his constraint in just exactly what the hell you think he can get can someone like me to believe.

He doesn't know the first thing I would do would be to share our conversation with those on this board but he has to expect that. I don't expect any of EDig's "dark secrets". What I look for is an honest answer to an honest question, or a "no comment". I feel, as a semi-intelligent individual that I got that from him yesterday.

For instance, I ask him about IMS as a competitor. He stated they were having problems with battery life. My next question, since I do know IMS is touting American Airlines as one of their main customers, was "what does that mean for their business with AA"? He said "I don't know". I pressed him and asked is AA satisfied with the performance they are getting from IMS's product. He said, "I don't know". I then asked him has AA put out feelers for other products to test. His answer was "no comment". Now that piqued my interest. I ask again if EDig had contacted AA or had AA contacted EDig. Again "no comment" I asked if AA had any eVu's to test....."no comment" I then asked if I were to take his "no comments" as a positive ? "No comment"

I don't know about you in your dealing with clients, customers, friends, etc...but when I hear a "no comment" to a direct question when the answer could very easily be "no" leads me to believe there is much more to be learned.

In regard to his positive attitude he stated "EDig has passed from one phase to the next, that being GROWTH. I am assuming the phase EDig is coming out of is that of survival but he did speak for a number of minutes as to the problems EDig was having and what changes had to me made to handle "growth" since it was a brand new situation for them.

When I walked in I expected to be taken to his office in the back area. Instead he was in a smallish office right by the entrance. I asked him about it and he said this new office was all he needed and his old office was needed by new hires.....2 new engineers and 3 new office assistants.

LL, I have been around the block a few times and am old enough to be sceptical of many many things. I have learned to trust my instincts and don't feel I am "scammed" very often.

What our conversation led me to believe is EDig is on the cusp of MAKING IT. No timetable, but soon enough for all of us to enjoy the fruits of being EDiggers these many years. While I appreciate your caution I have to stand on the 50 yard line with the ball going for a touchdown, rather than being on the 50 yard line on defense being pushed backwards.

I have hopes that you and others could possibly have the time an inclination to visit EDig and talk with and interrogate, RP, Will and FF and then make up you mind rather that through a 3rd party like me. I think you will walk out impressed.


Icon president LL

Aug 04, 2007 01:32PM

Aug 04, 2007 01:50PM

Aug 06, 2007 04:09AM
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