Message: Re: "My intent here is not to create discord." Don, I did not mark your posts

Dec 22, 2008 04:37AM

Dec 22, 2008 04:59AM
Dec 22, 2008 07:49AM
Dec 22, 2008 06:57PM
Dec 23, 2008 02:21AM

Dec 23, 2008 06:29AM

Oakie, while I pushed for Don to come back I have to agree with your post and even if he is a "friend" I do not appreciate now, nor did I in the past, his constant NNN's.

Christmas time is my "big" time of the year. I was waxing nostalgic about the "old" days at the CES with Dinkie when we captured FF and RP in a aisle and would not let them go to the point they missed an appointment. Boy was RP perturbed. I also remember us running around looking for meeting rooms to see who they were getting together with...Never did find them. I was almost given a ticket or escorted to the "slammer" because Don gave me wrong directions to his relatives home.....A decent cop, seeing we were both idiots let us go.

I also remember some of the greatest buffets I have ever eaten. Don could not believe what the Alladin was still have 10 extra lbs from that trip.

So I called Don to see where his head was now that EDig's fortunes have decidedly changed for the positive. I had hoped he would not find the necessity to "slam" everything as he did in the past. He was very positive and cheerful.

I guess I was wrong.....Some people have to find the "glass half empty" no mater what the situation.

Don, when you read this just know this is not what I expected from you and I feel I have been let down. I stood up for you.....Sorry.....and I apologize to all who have been offended by any of his posts.......


Dec 24, 2008 03:05PM
Dec 24, 2008 06:40PM
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