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Message: Re: Q: What happens to POETF/PTK shares when we move to NASDAQ?

As there seems to be some confusion about what a new stock exchange means to existing holdings, I want to add some information the way I understand it (at least here in good old Germany):

A Stock Exchange is nothing more than a place where buyers and sellers meet under legally defined conditions so no one is disadvantaged.

Notice: They offer a platform for transaction agreements but the transaction itself happens elsewhere. My shares are never transferred to any exchange. So any additional listing at any new exchange does not effect any holdings.

My shares are displayed at my personal deposit of securities. I can order my broker to buy POET shares at Frankfurt exchange, Berlin exchange, or TSX-V, or Nasdaq soon. My broker has to go to the exchange of my choice and there hopefully is a seller that fits to my buy order. Then we have a deal.

The settlement happens somewhere else, there are special clearing banks that proceed this deal, so my deposit shows more, the seller´s deposit shows less POET shares and my bank account shows less money as it is transferred to the seller´s account.

To make it even more complicated, the shares are not physically transferred (there is no paper nowadays anyway). My shares are even not in Germany where I live. They are „stocked“ somewhere in Canada. There is a Depositary Service (supposedly here: that holds tons of shares (or the virtual equivalent) and puts a tag on them: „This share belongs to Holk, Germany, deposit Nr. x at custodian bank y.“ When a deal happens the tags are changed, my order is fulfilled, deal is done. (I hope the Canadians are doing this right, I trust them...)

It may happen that I buy POET shares from a US seller at the TSX-V. Or I buy from an Australian seller at the Nasdaq (soon). That´s no problem and I will never know who was the seller. The settlement banks have to change currencies on the money side while transferring, that´s it. The POET shares are all the same and existing only once – just the tag in Canada changes.

I hope the terms I used are understandable as my school english did not cover International Finance…

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