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Message: Re: BET inhibitor and BRD4 papers keep piling up

Interesting abstracts.

From my days of very high optimism with RVX and then Zenith to my current much more tempered yet positive attitude I have a few observations (misguided or not) and questions.

  1. The study of epigenetics  does not seem to generate a very high profile (e.g. unlike CRISPR - gene splicing).
  2. From what I know there are there are no clinical successes in epigenetics in humans to date.
  3. Cancer(s) seem(s) to have attracted some degree of epigenetic research and results are ???????
  4. Independent academic scientists are now experimenting with and publishing articles about apabetalone and the retinal and MD results seem to show promise.
  5. Apabetalone seems to have applications in a number of indications...CKD, DM, etc.
  6. I have never seen any feedback from any of the scientifc conferences regarding apabetalone and/or Zenith. Perhaps I should not expect feedback.
  7. RVX and Zenith seem to have become more insular for whatever reasons.
  8. The FDA approval for testing apabetalone did not create any level of profile in the media. I wonder why RVX would not have leveraged this with the press as a Canadian success (of sorts).

Apologies for my rambling. I remain enthused about RVX and Zenith and I wonder if they are so far advanced vs anyone else in the field it has created a credibility gap. The share price of $1.40 baffles me.

It does not appear that the scientific community is lining up behind epigenetics.



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