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Message: Re: BET inhibitor and BRD4 papers keep piling up

"The study of epigenetics  does not seem to generate a very high profile (e.g. unlike CRISPR - gene splicing)."

Epigenetics is a biological phenomenon. CRISPR is a gene editing tool. Apples and oranges.

"From what I know there are there are no clinical successes in epigenetics in humans to date. Cancer(s) seem(s) to have attracted some degree of epigenetic research and results are ???????"

Lots of ongoing clinical trials right now with various epigenetic targets. Most of them in the cancer realm. Just because a drug with an epigenetic target isn't FDA approved yet doesn't mean that past and ongoing clinical trials are failures. 

"I have never seen any feedback from any of the scientifc conferences regarding apabetalone and/or Zenith. Perhaps I should not expect feedback."

Often, presentations at scientific conference precede the publication of the study in question in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Resverlogix and Zenith inhibitors continue to be referenced or used in publications in the BET/bromodomain realm. Collaborations being formed. What kind of feedback are you looking for?  

"The FDA approval for testing apabetalone did not create any level of profile in the media. I wonder why RVX would not have leveraged this with the press as a Canadian success (of sorts)."

You are confusing FDA approval for apabetalone to be used in a clinical trial with FDA approving the drug for use/marketing/commerialization post Phase 3 trial. The real news stories/publicity will come if and when BETonMACE passes phase 3 and gets the NDA/EMA approval.

"It does not appear that the scientific community is lining up behind epigenetics."

That's a slap in the face for the hundreds of laboratories around the world studying epigenetics in its various forms. Just because an epigenetic drug therapy hasn't yet made it to the point of FDA approval and clinical use doesn't mean that the basic science and clinical science community isn't exploring the potential of epigenetic based therapies.

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