Message: Re: Something Has To Happen -cguilfor...
Aug 23, 2013 06:59PM
Aug 23, 2013 09:07PM
Aug 23, 2013 10:07PM
Aug 23, 2013 10:42PM

You are right as usual......but cquilfor is right also......I have been around through the birth of Norris to now and have seen the mistakes made over the years, the basic ones being aligning themselves with various entities who saw what EDig had and used it without EDig being paid for it's usage or even being acknowledged for it's creation. EDig handled this situation VERY badly and had no funds (or will ) to pursue it's legal rights. EDig was very free, at that time, with information about it's products, and their capabilities. EDIG GOT HOSED...and trusted too many people. I do remember the time, and many of you here long enough do also, when we used to get a PR or something similar at least every week.

Because of getting "HOSED" EDig and FF retreated to the "DARK SIDE" clamming up and saying nothing to anyone, including their VERY LOYAL shareholders for fear that any information made public about what they were doing would again be "zapped". I for one understood that and definitely felt it was the right move and still do.

Only I feel, as cquilfor and others do, this was carried much too far. EDig can and should release information to it's shareholders that protect it's IP, perhaps give future direction and other information that shareholders have a right to and should be getting.

There is a happy medium here somewhere.

On another subject, I was VERY disappointed in the recent CE decision. I was in that courtroom and heard Mr. Apple bloviate, saying nothing on point, at least to my novice ears, and Mr. Handal being professional, on point, clearly identifying the subject at hand and givng the judge myriads of precedents to go by.

After 22 years of these happenings to EDig I finally was willing to give up the ghost on this one and not involve myself any further in any way. I had had it....

However it took me a while to fall asleep last night and I kept rolling all this around in my head and was startled by what conclusion I came to. (Many of you out there may have come to the same conclusion so forgive me for being late to the party)

That conclusion definitely lifted my spirits, and gave me hope for the future for EDig.

OVER THE YEARS EDIG HAS BEEN BEATEN BY BETTER ATTORNEYS. Perhaps because we have not been able to afford them, had the will or knowledge as what to do to fight for our IP rights or had judges not fully understand the complexities of what was brought to them.

We have not been beaten because our patents are no good. Or because we did not create and own those patents, or prior art, or because those patents were not infringed upon.

In fact half or more of the electronic world is using some form of patent created by EDig.

WE WERE BEATEN BY LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO, a word here in a patent appication that did not change the patent whatsoever but was "jumped" on by the other side as the only aspect of the entire lawsuit that mattered, NOT THE ENTIRE PATENT. (that, by the way,was NEVER FINALIZED IN A COURT SETTING)

We saw that in the latest lawsuit. ABSOLUTELY nothing was said about the validity of EDig's IP, about infringement about anything except a "settlement" of a preliminary hearing in Colorado. Mr. Apple based his entire case on that and won.

i had to slap myself upside the head to come back to why I bought shares in EDig in the first place.....Technology......Technology......Technology...

EDig still has it all and hopefully the steps taken, hiring a firm to sell Nunchi, and even if, in my opinion, Mr. Handal might have dropped the ball a bit in not anticipating Mr. Apple would go the route it did, will iron out all the legalities, finally, in EDig's favor. I was impressed with Mr. Handal and feel he's highly competant.

In other words NONE OF THE LEGAL ACTION SO FAR HAS DISPROVED ANY OF EDIG'S CLAIMS FOR IT'S IP AND THE FACT IT'S BEING INFRINGED ON. Just smart lawyering able to pick out an insignificant fact, center on it, make it the reason for their case....

Reminds me of all the evidence in the OJ case came down to NOTHING., just "Did the gloves fit"

Hope this wasn't too long.....I do not wish to be accused of "Bloviating"...Frank

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