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Message: Re: Revised target market, indications, market potential? ... and some numbers?

barsax - Although I don't disagree with your post in general, I think there are a lot of restrictions to that idea. RVX is broke so can't explore other compounds any more than in lab testing for other potentials by employess that they are already paying anyway. I would think this has been going on all along. With regard to your statement below,

"developing another compound for the competitor of the BETonMACE 2 trial sponsor"

I don't believe, paying for other trials, even Ph. I, that would create competition for Apabetalone would fit into Pharma's definition of 'funding operations'. I believe that if they supplied ($200 million?) for operations, that is what it would have to go to and alternative funding would have to be found to develop other compounds. 


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