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Message: Re: Revised target market, indications, market potential? ... and some numbers?

CS99, you pretty much laid out where we stand, but as they say without money, there is no honey. Where that honey will come from is the dilemma we face with this investment, especially when 70% insiders own RVX. Will it make it any easier to latch onto a BP because of this to take RVX to a full-blown BOM2 trial.

Getting written confirmation from the FDA in regards to BTD (assuming it's positive), DM needs to sell BOM2 full plan to our ongoing potential pharma co-development partners, assuming there is a full plan already in hand to sell. I just hope that Don is being sincere in all of this. Don said plenty in the past and look where we are today. 

IMO ... Koo

PS: I guess the bolt-on trial is dead in the water.      

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