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Message: Re: Revised target market, indications, market potential? ... and some numbers?


" Now they are broke again.  Sell this dog!   Sell it to someone with the money and skills to do it justice.  No more failures!  This management team is blocking medical progress"

i agree with most all you say SanFran except the dog part.Yes, it will take a few years now for any of us looking for that $10-$50/SP we dreamed about.


DON IS A BIG PROBLEM- ive heard many of the things you talk about so he should get out of the way & why they find a replacement his wage should be cut in HALF .He's been leading the ZEN folks around with emty promises for a couple years now as well.

To sell now tho?? i'm going to wait for the BTD/FDA update & see who our partner is first & then hopefully that news drives the SP to a point where i can sell half my position for $3-$5 - ill keep the rest for 3 more years or so.

If they can manage to take this to the NAZ following the above news it  just might work out - thats the hope have + anything positive out of the ZEN camp wont hurt RVX SP either IMO



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