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Message: Re: Revised target market, indications, market potential? ... and some numbers?

One other point I failed to make in my prior post...and perhaps someone has said this already but I'm trying to interpret why RVX chose to make that latest company update conf call when they did because they really didn't say anything overly new in my view that we haven't heard before.  

Recall that Don opened with the 800 pound gorilla that's on the table, the stock price erosion by the not to be named hedge fund in NYC.

Anyway, my feeling is that if a deal and/or FDA letter announcement was immediatey around the corner then why bother?  Just get it done and make the big announcement whatever it is.  Don't waste time with last weeks call.  


So I'm left thinking that there is still some work to be done to get this over the goal line and therefore we still have to be patient a little while longer.  

So I'm thinking time more in terms of months then weeks.  It's fine for me either way, but it seems to me that the driving purpose for having that call was to calm things down by in large because the news we hope to hear won't be here imminently.  

I'd love to be wrong of course, and like I said in my last post, I'm in this thing til the end one way or another, but I think if a deal was literally around the corner then why bother with hosting that "update" call.

And obviously there is a lot more time after that for the next trial etc., but here I am merely talking about any sort of upcoming FDA and/or partnership deal announcement.  






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