Message: Re: Hype is not what we need at this time..

I was the one that stated "Hype". Here is my reason. Most of us were interested in what direction EDIG was going in respect to the litagation. Just what is it that DM was or is doing. We always get the same answer, " We don't want to give them a heads up as to what we are doing". The them here , does it also include we the investors or is that directed to those who represent the thieves who are using EDIG to their advantage.

You Guys that went to the meeting had many question concerning that subject but were somehow switched in the direction by the Nunchi discussion. Now let me say at the outset Nunchi is important but to most of us so is the litagation. Most thought we were there to hear something in relations to that.

Nunchi is yet to be proven and we all hope that it becomes a big winner, but correct me, was the purpose of the meeting to discuss Nunchi or what is happening as far as the litagation.

As to all that is spoken about some on the BOD, to me thats crap. We need to know what is happening with the infringers.

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